THE ART OF SELF DEFENSE Trailer Pretty Much Nails The Tone

You must see this movie, by the way.

When The Art of Self Defense came to SXSW, I saw reviews and images and said, “Eff that”. Jesse Eisenberg, the quirky tone, a look at a subculture I’d already seen in The Foot Fist Way… I had no interest in it at all.

Then I saw it at a five-movie marathon, a situation which made it hard to be a brat and skip. And an amazing thing happened: I loved it. The problems mentioned above aren’t actually problems at all. Eisenberg is utilized properly. The quirky tone has way too much valuable darkness to ignore. And as for The Fist Foot Way… there’s room for more than one funny movie about strip mall sensei. The end.

In other words, watch this trailer for The Art of Self Defense because it does a good job explaining why the movie isn’t what I initially thought it would be.

And hey, you know BMD loves it because we got a pull quote! The Art of Self Defense hits theaters in July.
