New CHILD’S PLAY Clip Features This Terrifying Wall-Mounted Device

It definitely does not include any footage of Chucky.

So far, the marketing for Lars Klevberg's Child's Play remake has left us...well, let's call it "a bit underwhelmed".

Maybe it's a general sense of burnout with the entire Child's Play franchise. Maybe it's because the new approach being taken to Chucky (which has him occupying the body of a "Smart" doll, which apparently grants him the power to control various gadgets via the internet) strikes us as unnecessary and kind of gimmicky. Maybe it's the fact that the marketing has been really, really stingy about showing us actual footage of Chucky in action up to this point. 

Maybe it's all three things, all of which can be experienced via the clip below, which has a never-seen Chucky using a variety of Smart Home devices to taunt and increasingly upset Andy (Gabriel Bateman) in a darkened apartment. 

Will the Child's Play remake be any good? We'll find out when it hits theaters on June 21st. Y'all gonna catch this one in theaters, or think you'll wait to pass judgment until it hits Netflix? Sound off in the space provided below.
