BOND 25 Drops First Behind The Scenes Footage

And it looks great!

Well, here’s something unexpected: clearly looking to keep the positive vibes going following last week’s round of good news from the Pinewood Bond 25 set, today the 007 website dropped a first look from behind the scenes of the Jamaica shoot, embedded below for your viewing pleasure:

We shouldn’t expect to see any of these shots in the finished movie and they’ve definitely been chosen and edited to refute suggestions of a fractious shoot, but we can clearly see the shooting of what is bound to become an iconic image of James Bond behind a set of blinds, along with Felix Leiter’s Jamaica casual look in da club where Lashana Lynch’s Nomi, formally dressed to kill, has an encounter with Bond.

While we can make some educated guesses about where this all fits in the story, what’s really important right now is our first glimpse of the aesthetic Cary Joji Fukunaga is bringing to Bond 25, and on this evidence it’s going to look terrific, particularly considering cinematographer Linus Sandgren is working on film as those great big Panavision magazines attest. There’s maybe a John Wick influence in the neons of the club, albeit skewed towards yellow and green, but it looks sweaty and alive: just the kind of place Bond should be hanging out. Throw in that dusty nighttime street scene and a gorgeous use of silhouetted sunset as Nomi rides a scooter and it’s clear we’re getting a Bond movie with plenty of visual ambition but also an eye on tradition such as that great big explosion alongside the 007 logo.

If this is the pattern of Bond 25 production updates going forward it’s going to be very exciting, keeping the pot boiling without giving anything away. Rest assured we’ll keep you up to date.

What do you think? As hyped as we are this or reserving judgement until we get some actual footage? Figured out how the sequence cuts together? Want to hear more dancehall in Bond movies? Sound off in the comments below.

As of this writing, Bond 25 will be released in the UK on April 3rd 2020 and April 8th 2020 worldwide.
