Stuart Gordon’s CASTLE FREAK Is Getting A Remake

And get this - Fabio Frizzi's doing the score.

My guess is, Birth.Movies.Death. readers don't need to be told that Stuart Gordon's Castle Freak rules. That 1995 film, starring BMD favorites Barbara Crampton and Jeffrey Combs, makes for one helluva group viewing (it's on Amazon Prime even as we speak; give it a whirl, why don'tcha), and today we're intrigued to report that it's getting a remake, via our friends at FANGORIA and Full Moon Pictures.

According to the press release we received, this new iteration of Castle Freak (filming in Albania, natch) will star a raft of newcomers, with a new score by the legendary Fabio Frizzi. If you're unfamiliar with Frizzi's work, I'm not sure what to tell you: the man's a living legend, an icon within the horror genre, and it's terribly exciting to hear he's collaborating with Fango and Full Moon on this.

Here's a plot synopsis:

"The story follows recently-blinded Rebecca, her boyfriend John, and their friends as they travel to Albania to manage Rebecca’s sudden inheritance of a castle from her long-lost-mother. Once there, they learn that Rebecca’s family harbored dark secrets with potentially cosmic implications. As mysterious happenings and horrific murders begin to occur, Rebecca must unravel her family’s own mysterious history before she too falls prey to… the CASTLE FREAK."

Crampton and Charles Band (who produced Gordon's original) are onboard to produce along with Dallas Sonnier and Amanda Presmyk, Kathy Charles wrote the screenplay, and award-winning SFX makeup artist Tate Steinsiek will be making his directorial debut on the film. We're very curious to see how this turns out, and are also very pleased to have a new excuse to rewatch the original Castle Freak.

Stay tuned for more on this one as further updates become available.
