EW Drops Some Juicy PICARD Details

Jean-Luc is going back to space!

Comic-Con is basically here now, but if you’re looking for fun Star Trek news, you’ll have to wait until Saturday. In the meantime, EW has a new photo from Picard along with some interesting new tidbits about the show.

As for the tidbits, I highly recommend clicking over and reading them in full yourself, but there’s some good stuff to gather. For starters, something is definitely getting Picard off-planet, a funny thing to not know for sure in a Star Trek show. I honestly wouldn’t care if the whole thing took place on Picard’s winery, but I also understand how disappointing that would be for some. So while we don’t know how or why, it does look like Picard will return to the stars. But is he bringing his dog or what?

We also learn that the show will be serialized (duh) and that they are definitely playing up Picard’s advanced age (also a duh). He’s also no longer in Starfleet, though that one might have already been revealed previously (that one’s MY duh).

And of course, in this day and age, the big question is whether or not we’ll see other familiar faces in the show. And of course, in this day and age, the answer is Maybe! In other words, it’s not confirmed and not ruled out either. Of particular note on this score: Jonathan Frakes is directing two episodes of this.

All this really just serves to get me all riled up about what we’ll learn Saturday at the Star Trek Comic-Con presentation. So stay tuned!
