David Cronenberg’s Impossibly Horny CRASH Is Getting Restored In 4K

And it's the ultra-horny cut.

Here's some exciting news: according to The Playlist, David Cronenberg's Crash - a strong contender for the horniest movie of all time - is getting its very own 4K restoration. Not only that, but they're restoring the NC-17 version of the film, and premiering it at this year's Venice Film Festival. We hope that theater has top-notch A/C. 

Says The Playlist:

"Recorded Picture Company and Turbine Media Group have completed work on their 4K restoration of Crash that was supervised by the film’s writer-director Cronenberg and director of photography Peter Suschitzky. Perhaps best of all, the 4K restoration is the uncut, NC-17 version of the film. As mentioned, the film has been selected to screen at this year’s Italian festival and will then look for worldwide distribution afterward."

For those unfamiliar with Crash (also known 'round these parts as "the good Crash"), Cronenberg's 1996 film follows the sexual misadventures of a married couple played by James Spader and Deborah Kara Unger. Always chasing the dragon for higher sexual highs, the couple eventually finds themselves embroiled with a group of characters who fetishize car crashes and, uh, the debilitating injuries suffered during those crashes. It's classic, bizarro David Cronenberg sexuality writ large, and it is one of the horniest goddamn movies you could ever see. And now it sounds like we'll get a chance to see its horniest cut in glorious 4K! What a time to be alive, indeed.

As The Playlist notes, the 4K restoration of Crash will be seeking distribution after its premiere at the Venice Film Festival, so there's no telling when we might actually see it. Surely some distributor will step up to the plate, right? Stay tuned for updates on that front, and do hit the comments below to answer the following question, currently being debated behind the scenes at BMD: if Cronenberg's Crash isn't the horniest movie of all time, what is? 
