Something Sinister Is Afoot In The First Trailer For THE LIGHTHOUSE

Robert Eggers' long-awaited follow-up to THE WITCH looks right up our alley.

We'be been dying to get a look at Robert Eggers' The Lighthouse - the director's highly-anticipated follow-up to 2015's The Witch - ever since the project was announced. Each new scrap of information (the casting of Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson, the reveal that the film was being shot in B&W) only made the wait harder. By the time the movie premiered at this year's Cannes Film Festival to largely positive, sometimes awestruck reviews, we were losing our goddamn minds. When the hell were we gonna get to see this thing?

Friends, the wait is almost over: The Lighthouse hits theaters in October, and today we've got the film's very first trailer to share with you. It's a good one.

So, as you can see, The Lighthouse revolves around Dafoe and Pattinson's mismatched duo, a pair of "wickies" (read: lighthouse attendants) who seem to find themselves under a great deal of mental strain while working together on a remote island. I've gone out of my way not to be spoiled on The Lighthouse, but I gather that one of these guys is more experienced than the other, and that all may not be as it seems on that island. 

As previously reported, the film's presented in a most unusual format: academy ratio, in glorious black and white (those of you driven mad by the aspect ratio in David Lowery's A Ghost Story are probably in for a bad time, which sucks for you). This is a refreshing thing to see in the brave year of our lord 2019, particularly after the shiny, sugary bombast of the summer movie season.

Anyway, here's the film's first poster:

We are incredibly excited about The Lighthouse, and will be there when it opens on October 18th. How 'bout y'all? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for further updates on Eggers' latest as they become available. We're keeping a close eye on this one.
