The New WALKING DEAD Series Appears To Be Set Far In The Future

That's...actually, that's not a bad hook.

We don't often cover the goings-on in the Walking Dead franchise here at Birth.Movies.Death. - partially because none of us watch the series, partially because we can't be bothered to keep up with whatever spin-offs, talk shows and/or feature films are being spawned by said series. It's just not our thing, which isn't to say you're wrong if it happens to be yours.

But today brings us a new trailer for yet another Walking Dead spin-off, and it's actually working with a somewhat interesting hook. Check this out.

This is a new teaser trailer for the as-yet-untitled Walking Dead spin-off hitting AMC next year. It features members of the show's young cast (including Nicolas Cantu, Aliyah Royale, Hal Cumpston and Alexa Mansour), and seems to indicate that this series will flash-forward far into the future, picking up well after the events of The Walking Dead. The concept art on display here is intriguing, colorful and weird. Jumping forward in time, perhaps decades into the future, isn't a move we expected from the Walking Dead Televisual Complex. Casting the series with a bunch of young leads is also an interesting prospect. Huh. 

Here's Deadline with some details on the plot:

"The untitled third series will focus on the first generation to come of age in the apocalypse as we know it. Some will become heroes. Some will become villains. In the end, all of them will be changed forever. Grown-up and cemented in their identities, both good and bad."

In addition to the moderately compelling hook they've given the new Walking Dead, they're also bringing Kong: Skull Island's Jordan Vogt-Roberts in to direct, adding yet another compelling element to the mix. I don't want to jump to any conclusions here, but...we might actually give this one a shot? Will wonders never cease. 

How about y'all? Intrigued by the trailer? Into the idea of a far-future, Lord of The Flies-esque zombie series? Not so much? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for further updates on the new Walking Dead as they roll in. Maybe.
