The Full JOJO RABBIT Trailer Is Better Than Half The Movies We Saw This Summer

In which the curtain gets pulled back on Taika Waititi's latest.

Of the many, many movies headed to this year's Fantastic Fest, it's possible we are most excited about Taika Waititi's Jojo Rabbit, a high-wire act of satire starring Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson, newcomer Roman Griffin Davis and Taika Waititi himself as ... Adolf Hitler. Not the real Adolf Hitler, mind you, but an imaginary one. 

Look, just watch the trailer. They lay it all out below:

Alright, so you have a young German boy (Davis) who discovers a slightly-older Jewish girl (Thomasin McKenzie) hiding in his attic, a reveal which tests his loyalties to both his home country and his imaginary friend. There can be no doubt that a film with this premise will fuel the Hot Take Industrial Complex for several weeks upon release, but given the talent Waititi has shown in the past for juggling tone and complex emotional beats, we're reasonably certain he's gonna pull this potentially-problematic material off. And, hey - if nothing else, this is just one hell of a trailer. 

Jojo Rabbit will open this year's Fantastic Fest on September 19th, before rolling out into theaters on October 18th. Are y'all excited for this one? Not so much? Got anything to add here? Please do so now in the comments below, and stay tuned for more on Jojo Rabbit as further updates become available.
