CASTLE ROCK Returns In First Season Two Teaser

This Annie Wilkes lady seems fun.

Stephen King hive, activate: The first teaser for the second season of Hulu's Castle Rock has arrived, and with it comes the expected assortment of familiar names, faces, and places – like Jerusalem's Lot, Annie Wilkes (played here by Lizzy Caplan), Tim Robbins, and one seriously foreboding wheelchair. Check it: 

It's not a terribly revealing teaser, but it puts into action what we know so far: As with the previous installment, Castle Rock season two is set in an alternate timeline, one in which a young Annie Wilkes and her daughter (played by Eighth Grade's Elsie Fisher) find themselves stuck in the titular town following a car crash. It seems Annie winds up in a mental hospital and begins popping some pills, taking her mental illness out on her daughter rather than her favorite author. Robbins, meanwhile, plays Reginald "Pop" Merrill, the ailing boss of the crime family often featured in King's stories set in and around Castle Rock. Paul Sparks (Boardwalk Empire) plays Merrill's nephew, Ace, who's primed to take over the business when Pop passes. The season also features a conflict brewing between the Merrill clan and the Somali community in the neighboring town of Jerusalem's Lot – which includes Abdi Omar, played by Good Time's Barkhad Abdi, and his sister, local doctor Nadia Omar (Yusra Warsama).

Castle Rock returns to Hulu on October 23.
