Hear Annie Wilkes Say “Cockadoodie” In The Newest CASTLE ROCK S2 Trailer

They're playing allllllllllllll the hits.

The second season of Hulu's Castle Rock is almost upon us, which means it's time for the streaming network to start pulling back the curtain a little bit on what awaits us in this new batch of episodes. We've got a new cast, new characters and at least one new location to look forward to, so let's see how it all comes together...

This looks pretty good! Obviously they're centering the action around Misery's Annie Wilkes this time. I'm still wrapping my head around an Annie Wilkes that looks like Lizzy Caplan, which is an intriguing choice in this day and age. Might the writers of Castle Rock use Annie Wilkes to explore ideas of toxic fandom and entitlement? Be pretty cool if they did, but we're not holding our breath. Seems like a different sort of game may be afoot.

Here's an official synopsis:

"In season two of Castle Rock, a feud between warring clans comes to a boil when budding psychopath Annie Wilkes, Stephen King's nurse from hell, gets waylaid in Castle Rock."

So, not very forthcoming, which isn't terribly surprising coming from the secret-keepers at Bad Robot. But here's an interesting wrinkle, which appears in the press release we just received alongside the above trailer:

"SEASON 2 SNEAK PEAK: Castle Rock will go live from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, on Wednesday, October 2, at 9 p.m. ET with a haunting, 13-minute drive that gives fans the driver’s seat view as the car winds through the woods en route to Jerusalem’s Lot, ultimately leading to an exclusive sneak peek at season two. Along the way, the viewer will see and hear easter eggs from the Stephen King and Bad Robot universes, in addition to a few hints at what’s to come this season."

Huh. A scenic little drive into Jerusalem's Lot, you say? Featuring "easter eggs from the Stephen King and Bad Robot universes"? What the hell, are we about to bind King mythology to Bad Robot mythology? Will this drive take us past one of LOST's blown hatches, or underneath a sign advertising Slusho!-brand frozen drinks? Guess we'll have to wait and see. 

Anyway, where are y'all with Castle Rock? Did you enjoy season one as much as we did? Think you'll tune in for S2? Gonna roll the dice on this "live drive" event happening through social media? Sound off in the comments below, and do stay tuned for more on Castle Rock's second season as we draw ever closer to the show's return on October 23rd.
