Let This New PARASITE Trailer Crawl Under Your Skin

Get another look at Bong Joon-ho's latest.

Disclosure: Tim League, founder and CEO of Birth.Movies.Death.’s parent company Alamo Drafthouse, is a co-founder of NEON.

It is my job, as the News Editor at Birth.Movies.Death., to ensure that we carefully consider each and every movie trailer that crosses our radar for possible coverage on the site. This means that I end up watching a lot of trailers, more than you would believe and many of which clumsily tip the hand of whatever movie they're advertising, revealing important plot points or third-act reveals better left discovered by me in a theater.

Today, I am fighting back against this cruel reality. Today we have a new trailer for Bong Joon-ho's Parasite, a movie which is, by all accounts, absolutely terrific and filled with surprises. It is now my job to put said trailer in front of you, but here's the thing: I'm not gonna watch it. I've heard too many great things about this movie, been warned too many times not to learn anything about it before going in. I refuse.

You, however, are free to do whatever you'd like.

Did you enjoy the new Parasite trailer? I hope so! I would love to see it. More specifically, I would really love to see Parasite. I had a ticket to see it at Fantastic Fest last week, and stupidly opted to see another film instead, as I knew I'd have a chance to see Parasite in theaters soon enough (it's in limited released later this month, check your listings). This was a foolish choice I now sincerely regret. 

Anyway, Parasite! BMD staff members who have seen it are raving about it! It's got a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes! With over 100 reviews counted! Probably gonna win some awards next year! Get out there and see it later this month, but don't tell me anything about it until I've had a chance to see it myself! That'd be a dick move! Exclamation points?
