NO TIME TO DIE (That’s The New James Bond Movie) Gets Its First Poster

A dapper gent gets a dapper font.

Hello, I am not your usual James Bond correspondent but what are you gonna do, it’s Saturday. You may not know this but today is what they call James Bond day, as it marks the 57th anniversary of Dr. No hitting theaters for the first time. I imagine these things demand more celebration when a new movie is coming out.

Well, that turns out to be the case this year with the upcoming release of the still very mysterious No Time To Die, the next Bond film and last for Daniel Craig. We don’t know a lot about the film, but today does bring us a new poster:

As first posters go, this is fine. It’s an image of Bond with the title treatment. But hey, he looks good and more is certainly on the way.

The big question is what kind of Bond film we’re getting with this one. As Craig’s last hurrah, I know a lot of people are hoping he goes out on a high note, especially as his run has been filled with more good than bad (I say that knowing I’m a rare Quantum of Solace fan). Reports of a slightly more typical-style adventure are very welcome to me, but then there are those pesky rumors that Blofeld will return. As usual, we’ll just have to wait to see.

Actually the most intriguing question is what will happen with Bond after Craig bows out, but that’s a very long way off right now, and may even depend somewhat on how audiences take No Time to Die. It’s hard, but we’ll just have to settle for focusing on one Bond film at a time for now.
