Robert Eggers Will Next Make A Movie About Vikings


This probably goes without saying, but we're big fans of Robert Eggers around these parts. The Witch. The Lighthouse. Here's a dude who seems to give precious few fucks about making movies that might have "widespread appeal", and we are thankful to have him out there, doing his own thing...which generally means "making actors recite period-accurate dialogue under extreme conditions".

Eggers' next project, just announced via The Hollywood Reporter, sounds like it'll continue that trend: it's a turn-of-the-10th-century Viking drama called The Northman, based on an idea from Alexander Skarsgård (who'll also headline the film). Eggers will co-write the script with Icelandic poet/novelist Sjón, and the project already has Nicole Kidman, Anya Taylor-Joy, Bill Skarsgård and Willem Dafoe circling roles. 

What's The Northman about? THR describes it as " a grounded story set in Iceland at the turn of the 10th century that centers on a Nordic prince who seeks revenge for the death of his father", which sounds about right for a Robert Eggers joint. Honestly, we'd be a smidge more excited if Eggers were doing something a bit more horror-centric (maybe that Nosferatu remake he was trying to get off the ground a few years ago!), but this will do nicely. 

Nothing further to report at this time, but of course we'll keep you informed as further updates roll in. Stay tuned.
