Wanna See Some Exclusive Images From MAKING MOON?

Hard to believe, but Duncan Jones' sci-fi classic is 10 years old this year.

Back in March, we brought you the news that Titan Books was releasing a gorgeous new book called Making Moon, by Simon Ward. A deep-dive into the making of Duncan Jones' classic sci-fi mystery, Ward's book is filled with stunning, never-before-seen photographs taken on the Moon set. You folks like seeing stunning, never-before-seen photographs, right?

Well, I've got good news for you: today we've got half a dozen exclusive images from Making Moon to share, which the good folks at Titan Books sent along in order to celebrate Ward's book hitting stores (you can order a copy via the Amazon link below, if you are so inclined). Let's take a look!

(Note: The following photos are al excerpted from Making Moon by Simon Ward, published by Titan Books Copyright © 2019 Liberty Films. All Rights Reserved.)

In addition to containing a treasure trove of on-set images, Making Moon also includes interviews with a number of the production's key creatives, along with rare concept art and excerpts from the shooting script. Titan Books has a history of releasing top-shelf making-of books, and this one certainly appears to be no exception. If this kinda thing is your kinda thing, I'd highly recommend picking up a copy. You won't be disappointed.

Oh, and on a related note: holy shit, Moon is ten years old! Where the hell has the time gone?
