Sounds Like A New PLANET OF THE APES Movie Is On The Way

But is it a sequel or a reboot?

Here's something: according to The Hollywood Reporter, Wes Ball (director of the Maze Runner trilogy) has been hired to helm a new Planet of The Apes movie, which makes the Apes franchise "one of the first historically storied Fox titles to get the redevelopment treatment since Disney’s acquisition of the storied studio." 

It's currently unclear whether Ball's Planet of The Apes (whatever it ends up being called) will continue the story established in the recent Apes trilogy, which came to an end back in 2017. That film offered a fitting and emotional finale to a story that began in 2011's Rise of The Planet of The Apes, but we suppose you could continue telling stories within that timeline if you wanted to.

Our guess? Disney's interested in doing something a little kinder and gentler with the property, perhaps something that can sustain its own trilogy. And if that pans out, well, maybe they get to launch an Apes-themed add-on at one of their increasingly gigantic theme parks. 

Anyhoo, given that Ball's been brought in to develop this one in addition to directing (and given that there's no mention in THR's report as to who might be scripting the film), we're guessing this one's a few years off. Rest assured that we'll be keeping our ear to the ground for updates, though, and we'll have 'em in front of you as they roll in. Stay tuned. 
