Quentin Tarantino’s Talking About Doing KILL BILL VOL. 3 Again

Here we go again. Again.

Quentin Tarantino's out there making the interview rounds again, this time in support of both Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood's home video release and its awards campaign, and in a recent appearance on Radio Andy, the director was asked about the status of the long-gestating Kill Bill Vol. 3, a project Tarantino has expressed interest in making on many, many previous occasions.

Here's what he said (as quoted by The Playlist), in case you can't listen to that:

“Well, I just so happened to have dinner with Uma Thurman last night…I do have an idea what I would do with it. That was the whole thing, about conquering that concept. What’s happened to the Bride since then? And what do I want to do? Because I don’t just want to come up with some cockamamy adventure. She doesn’t deserve that. The Bride has fought long and hard. But now I have an idea that actually could be interesting. I wouldn’t do it for a little bit. It would be at least three years from now or something like that. But, look, it’s definitely in the cards.”

Asked if he'd make another feature film before tackling Kill Bill Vol. 3, Tarantino says:

“No. Well, not a movie. What I did when I wrote ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’…normally I finish a script and we go and open up offices. But [this time] I kinda had more to do. I had more stuff in me. And so I wrote a play. And then I wrote a five-episode TV series. So, in some degree or another, I have kinda written what I’m doing for the next three years.”

This thing about a play and a TV series isn't new (Tarantino's on record as interested in taking on both projects, along with a novel), so none of that's terribly surprising. Turning his attentions back to a possible Kill Bill. Vol. 3 is somewhat new, however, and it's difficult not to wonder how this might fit into QT's repeatedly-announced intention to retire after making his tenth feature film. 

For one thing, he's still toying with the idea of directing a Star Trek movie for Paramount. Does that one not count towards the 10 films Tarantino intends to direct before retiring, since he won't have written it himself? And would a third Kill Bill count towards that number, or would it get a pass because it'd be an extension of a two-film series that Tarantino himself only counts as one film? Or would Kill Bill Vol. 3 be the tenth film? (Y'know, all of this would be way easier to report if we didn't have to wonder about the ten-film-retirement deal. Just sayin'.)

Anyhow, what would y'all think about a third Kill Bill? Interested? Not so much? Curious what The Bride's been up to over the past however-many years, or would you prefer Tarantino moved on to something else? Sound off in the comments below, and do stay tuned for more on Kill Bill Vol. 3 if and when further updates become available.
