Don’t Say No To This VHYES Trailer

The Fantastic Fest favorite is almost here.

I found this year’s Fantastic Fest to be a bit heavier than normal, so I had great appreciation for the solid comedy found in VHYes. As some dumb asshole put it, the film is filled with heartfelt hilarity.

You can now judge some of this for yourself with the film’s new trailer:

This is a great help for me, as the film’s premise has never been easy to properly explain. Basically a kid gets a camcorder and uses it to record not just his life but his favorite television shows, which means we get a string of ‘80s television parodies. That’s all pretty great, but underneath it there is a more meaningful story of how a youngster deals with his parents’ marital problems. Fun!

I do highly recommend this film when it comes out January 17, but you are all grown ups and you can make that decision for yourselves now that you have a trailer to ogle.
