Taika Waititi Is Being Courted To Make A STAR WARS Movie

Well THIS is a pretty damn good idea.

The future of the Star Wars franchise is very much up in the air at the moment, but that doesn't mean that projects in that galaxy far, far away aren't being tinkered away on. There is, of course, that long-gestating Rian Johnson Star Wars trilogy (which may or may not ever happen), and rumors continue to circulate about a number of other projects that probably aren't ready to be discussed yet, but today brings news of a new one.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney is currently courting Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi to develop a new Star Wars movie. It's unknown at this time whether this is the same Star Wars movie currently being developed by Kevin Feige, or something else entirely, though if it's the former it wouldn't be terribly surprising: after all, Feige and Waititi already worked together on the aforementioned Thor: Ragnarok.

Of course there's nothing further to report at this time. We don't know if Waititi's gonna take the gig, we don't know who might star in it, we don't know what it'll be about or when it'll be set. We know nothing beyond the fact that Star Wars wants Waititi for one of their future movies. That's worth getting excited about - even if you didn't care for Jojo Rabbit, Thor: Ragnarok confirms that Waititi can do big-ass movies with lots of humor, heart and action - but rest assured we'll be keeping an ear to the ground for updates on this one, and will have 'em in front of you just as soon as they roll in.

Stay tuned.
