Oscar Isaac Will Headline The EX MACHINA Movie

Which, by the way, is called THE GREAT MACHINE.

Earlier this week, word started making the rounds that Legendary's long-in-development Ex Machina movie (based on the Vertigo comic of the same name) was finally moving forward, this time with a brand-new title: The Great Machine. We heard this and rejoiced, for Tony Harris and Brian K. Vaughan's Ex Machina is one of the best reads of the past decade, and certainly worthy of the big-screen treatment.

Today brings even more exciting news, however: according to THR, Oscar Isaac will headline The Great Machine as its titular hero, Mitchell Hundred, a former superhero who trades in his superpowers to become the mayor of NYC. Isaac's a perfect fit for this role, and we're excited to see which parts of Harris and Vaughan's award-winning series survive the adaptation process. Screenwriters Anna Waterhouse and Joe Shrapnel have much to work with.

The Great Machine doesn't have a director or a release date yet, but we're hyped about this one and will keep you informed as further updates roll in. Stay tuned for those, and do go read Ex Machina if you haven't already. It's a wonderful piece of work.
