THE INVISIBLE MAN Shows Himself In A New Trailer

This guy seems like a real butt-munch.

Leigh Whannell's new take on The Invisible Man should make for suitable post-Valentine's Day viewing when it arrives on February 28. Ahead of its release, Blumhouse and Universal have dropped another trailer for the upcoming reimagining, which (still) looks pretty great: 

If you were one of the handful of people who saw The Turning in theaters last weekend, you probably saw this trailer or one extremely similar. I'm not one to complain about "spoilers" in trailers, for a couple of reasons: First, it's hard to call anything a spoiler when it's removed from context. Secondly, knowing specifics about a plot doesn't particularly bother me; the how of a movie takes precedence over the what (or at least it should). What I do take issue with is trailers that feel like the Cliff's Notes version of a movie, giving me the impression that I've already seen the film in its entirety. Universal and Blumhouse have already released a few trailers/teasers for The Invisible Man, and between all of them, you could probably stitch together a cohesive short film.

ANYWAY. None of this is to say the movie looks bad—I think it looks awesome, and I love Elisabeth Moss, Our Lady of Cinematic Psychosis. The basic premise suggests some compelling thematic exploration of intimate partner abuse and PTSD, and the difficulties women experience when seeking help. And: Whannell delivered one of the most entertaining genre films last year with Upgrade, so pretty much everyone here at BMD was on board with The Invisible Man sight unseen. 

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