Is This AMAZING STORIES Trailer Enough To Make You Sign Up For Apple TV+?

It's good. But is it THAT good?

No two ways about it: we are rapidly approaching the point where some of us are gonna have to start picking and choosing between streaming services. New platforms are popping up all the time, with more being announced every day, and each seems to be offering its own set of exclusives. Most of us already hooked through the bag and back on Netflix, Prime, and (to a lesser extent) Hulu, but what about Shudder? The Criterion Channel? What about NBC's unfortunately-named Peacock, or HBO Go? Hell, what HBO Max? 

And what about Apple TV+?

Well, so far the two biggest reasons to join Apple's streaming service seem to be M. Night Shyamalan's Servant (it's pretty damn good!) and Jay Carson's The Morning Show (we're never gonna watch it but they sure spent a lot of money on it!), but neither seem to have made the sort of dent in the pop culture landscape that would make them can't-miss shows. From where we're standing, Apple TV+ will really need to beef up its original programming lineup in order to really get its hooks into us. They need a show we simply can't pass on, a series that'll have everyone talking. This show would need a big-name figurehead, someone who'd get people excited, and preferably it'd be a familiar title, something that'd appeal to the nostalgia of a certain demographic.

Enter: Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories.

Is this trailer enough to get folks onboard the Apple TV+ train? I dunno, maybe? Admittedly, we are suckers for a solid anthology series, and Lord knows we love almost everything The Beard touches. Can't argue with that pedigree. But anthology shows, even ones being shepherded onto screens by a big name talent with a strong sense of vision, are exceptionally hard to pull off (see also: CBS All Access' wildly uneven Twilight Zone, from Jordan Peele).

We're certainly curious. We'd love to see it. But still...not quite there yet.

How 'bout y'all? Do you have Apple TV+? Is this Amazing Stories redux enough to get you interested? Have you ever seen the original Amazing Stories (which, yes, was also fairly uneven, though we remember it fondly)? Sound off in the comments below.

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