Harrison Ford Says INDIANA JONES 5 Is Dealing With “Scheduling Issues”

It's fine, don't even worry about it.

Just a week or two ago, Harrison Ford - on the junket trail for the recently-released Call of The Wild - mentioned that work was due to begin on Indiana Jones V "in about two months". At the time, there was some debate over what Ford meant by this, exactly ("Does he mean it's gonna start shooting in two months, that he'll begin training in two months, or that pre-production would ramp up in two months?"), but now it's starting to sound like any interpretation might be irrelevant.

In a new interview with Hey U Guys (as quoted by The Playlist), Ford offers the following update on Indy V:

"I don’t really want to give them what they want to see, I want to give them something they didn’t anticipate seeing. They are used to a degree of disappointment when you revisit. Certainly, the Marvel movies have made a spectacular example of a success that worked the other way around, they killed it! Well, we’re not going to make another Indiana Jones unless we are in a position to kill it.”

Yes, yes. So far, so good. But then Ford adds:

"We want it to be the best. We’ve got some scheduling issues and a few script things still to do, but we are determined to get it right before we get it made.”

Hm. "Scheduling issues", did you say? "A few script things still to do"? At present, there's no telling if said "scheduling issues" and "script things" will be resolved within the two month period Ford mentioned in that previous interview. If they are, great! Full steam ahead on whatever the hell Indiana Jones V turns out to be. But if they're not, well, that would seem to spell a delay for this long-in-development and questionably-needed sequel.

It's all worded just vaguely enough to allow for a healthy dose of reckless speculation, which we invite you to take part in now, via the comments section below. In the meantime, do stay tuned for further updates on Indiana Jones V, which - as of this writing! - still has an official release date of July 9th, 2021.
