Doesn’t Sound Like Colin Farrell’s Gonna Have Too Many Scenes In THE BATMAN

And yet, there are no small parts.

Production has been halted on Matt Reeves' THE BATMAN, yet its various stars are under no orders not to discuss THE BATMAN in the interim. Last week, Robert Pattinson submitted to a sprawling, wildly entertaining profile for GQ (wherein he admitted that he has not been keeping up with his Bat-training regimen), and now Colin Farrell, THE BATMAN's Penguin, has popped up on GMA News with a few thoughts about the film.

Namely: sounds like maybe we shouldn't expect Farrell's Penguin to be a huge presence in Reeves' film. Says the actor:

“I had only started [THE BATMAN] and I can’t wait to get back. The creation of it, the aesthetic of the character, has been fun and I really am so excited to get back and explore it. And I haven’t got that much to do. I have a certain amount in the film. I am not all over it by any means. But there are a couple of some tasty scenes I have in it and my creation and I can’t wait to get back.

...I totally feel like it is something that I have not had the opportunity to explore before. It feels original and fun. But I am only at the start of the journey so I can’t wait to get back and really get into it.”

It's fun to imagine Farrell as The Penguin, isn't it? We're guessing his take on the iconic Bat-villain will be quite the departure from earlier iterations of the character (leaked set photos, which appear to show Farrell in his finest Penguin attire, seem to confirm this), and if Farrell's having fun in the role we have to assume that means he's being allowed to chew quite a bit of scenery. That's the kind of fun Colin Farrell lives for. 

Of course, there's no telling when THE BATMAN will go back into production, and it's likely we'll be waiting even longer to see it as a result of the delays caused by the ongoing COVID-19 situation, but we're willing to wait. All signs point to Reeves' THE BATMAN being something special, and he has our full trust to deliver something amazing. And hey, if The Penguin isn't in it that much? Fine. He can always come back for the sequel.

Nothing further to report at this time, but stay tuned for further THE BATMAN updates as they roll in.
