Please Take 90 Seconds Out Of Your Day To Watch Dave Bautista Windmill Dunk On Donald Trump

Dave Bautista is even funnier than we give him credit for.

Listen, we love Dave Bautista.

We love him as Drax in the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY movies. We love him in BLADE RUNNER 2049. We love his social media presence, which is largely devoted to Dave Bautista speaking truth to power and generally just not giving a fuck (see also: the actor's very outspoken campaign against Disney when James Gunn got fired from GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3). 

And we especially love it when Dave Bautista dunks on the President.

The video/tweet above is actually several days old (and was apparently made in direct response to Trump's recent comments about former President Obama being "grossly incompetent"), but it didn't cross our radar until just last night. It features a sweaty Dave Bautista clowning Donald Trump through the center of the Earth and back in just over 90 seconds, and we've watched it maybe three dozen times.

We don't really have anything to add here. We enjoyed it, and thought you might, too.

NOTE: If you did not enjoy it, please take it up with Super Duper Dave Bautista. 

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