Robert Rodriguez’s JONNY QUEST Won’t Be A Kid’s Film
But it’ll have a kid in it. And a kid-friendly rating.
But it’ll have a kid in it. And a kid-friendly rating.
Will Johnny use someone’s guts as a rope? We’ll see!
Exercise your writings skills, win a badass piece of artwork.
Coppola is the latest filmmaker to sit in THE DIRECTOR'S CHAIR, and Jacob reports back.
“No, Mom. It’s not a GAME OF THRONES movie.” - You in a few years.
Vampire Week continues with this genre-bending free for all.
Viewing SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR pretty much demands a reevaluation of 2005's SIN CITY. How does it hold up?
How bad does a sequel have to be to make the original look like a masterpiece?
So yeah, you might have to see SIN CITY 2.
They talk Guillermo's hands-on approach to THE STRAIN.
Yup, looks like SIN CITY.
Maybe a hint of excitement exists for this after all.