FOUR LIONS On Netflix Instant!

Chris Morris blackly brilliant terrorism comedy is now available to stream whenever you want.

Disclosure: I’m biased here because I worked on the theatrical release of Chris Morris’ Four Lions. But that said, I reviewed and loved the movie at Sundance 2010, long before I worked for Tim League, and long before Tim League bought the film as the first release from Drafthouse Films.

With all that behind us, I’m excited to tell you that Four Lions, the incredibly brilliant terrorism comedy from British comic genius Chris Morris, is now on Netflix Instant. There’s just about no reason for you to have not seen the film at this point; if you have already seen the film you can discover what I found out while touring with the movie last year - repeated viewings make the end of the movie all the more powerful.

If you don’t have Netflix, you can always just buy the sucker.
