The EVIL DEAD Remake/Reboot Could Really Be Happening This Time

The EVIL DEAD remake looks to be busting out of the cellar.

Dread Central has some very specific information about the long-rumored/promised/threatened Evil Dead remake/reboot - it’s happening soon. And they say that one of my personal heroes - Grindhouse Releasing honcho, longtime Sam Raimi collaborator and Oscar winner Bob Murawski - is on his way to Detroit to work on it.

Well sure, you say, we’ve heard this shit again and again. But Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell always shoot it down. Right? Right. Except this time. See, Bruce got himself on Twitter - @groovybruce - this past weekend and had this to say about the Evil Dead remake/reboot/whatever:

[blackbirdpie url=“!/GroovyBruce/status/90613906963312640”]

This is starting to sound like an actual, real thing…
