Los Angeles: Screening of John Carpenter’s CHRISTINE At The New Beverly Tomorrow!

Brian Collins is hosting a midnight screening of the killer car flick.

There's not a lot of "themes" to my Horror Movie A Day screening series at the New Beverly - with the studios abandoning 35mm in favor of inferior digital copies (which the New Bev can't and hopefully never will play), I sort of have to take what I can get (the fact that I may never get to host Demon Knight pains me so). So one month we might do a recent film that didn't get enough love (Drag Me To Hell), but then we'll go back to the 80s and run a classic (Child's Play). It's always a surprise! However, tomorrow night (Saturday the 28th) I will be hosting John Carpenter's Christine, my THIRD "Killer Car" movie. Back in 2010 I hosted Maximum Overdrive (!), and when my good pal Ryan Turek had to go out of town, I subbed for his Shock Till You Drop screening of the immortal James Brolin flick The Car. Of course, midnight movies should be a little weird or squarely placed in the "B-movie" genre, so you can't really ask for a better example than a movie where driverless cars roll around and take down folks who can't just stay inside (though that doesn't help Brolin's girlfriend in The Car, come to think of it...)

If you've never seen Christine on the big screen in glorious 35mm, then you've never seen it. You can say the same about pretty much every Carpenter film, but this one in particular really comes alive when seen projected - I myself wasn't too enamored by it until I saw it theatrically a few years ago, so I am somewhat honored to host a screening that may do the same for another on-the-fence Carpenter (or Stephen King) fan. The soundtrack is terrific, the FX hold up (the "self-repair" scene is still a complete marvel), the period details are a lot of fun, and Carpenter's trademark widescreen visuals are top notch. Also, Alexandra Paul. Case closed.

The screening is at 11:59 PM on Saturday, April 28th (that's tomorrow!) at the New Beverly Cinema, located at 7165 Beverly Blvd in Los Angeles (90036), two blocks west of La Brea. Tickets are 8 bucks cash at the door or online at Brownpapertickets.com. I'll be doing a quick intro and handing out some DVDs before the movie, so get there on time! I'd love to meet a few Badass readers there, so say hi! Plus, in addition to supporting your local repertory theater and 35mm, you'll also be helping out a noble cause: funding a documentary about the New Bev by Julia Marchese. I'll be pledging one dollar for every butt in a seat on Saturday night, so bring lots of friends! Make me broke! You can also donate yourself HERE - I cannot think of a better topic for a film and would love to see this one done right, so let's meet that goal!

See you there!
