Collins’ Crypt: (Movies Based On) Paperbacks From Hell
Grady Hendrix's book has inspired BC to fulfill an old promise to his readers.
Grady Hendrix's book has inspired BC to fulfill an old promise to his readers.
For a few days, it'll cost you as much as a viewing of Cathy's Curse on Youtube.
Brian hosts The Dream Child for its 25th anniversary.
With really fucked up movies.
In honor of the 2500 horror movies BC watched for Horror Movie A Day.
BAD contributor Brian Collins has completed an impressive, kind of weird phase of his life.
Part of his ongoing Horror Movie A Day series on 35mm!
A Horror Movie A Day screening hosted by Brian Collins.
Yeah, that's right. We said URBAN LEGEND.
The first 35mm screening of Rolfe Kanefsky's cult favorite in twenty years!
Brian Collins is hosting a midnight screening of the killer car flick.
Brian has watched a horror movie every single day since 2007. This month many folks try to replicate his herculean task on a limited basis, so he brings his years of wisdom to you. Here's how to watch a horror movie a day.