Scream Factory’s Got BURNING, Got BURNING On Blu

Shout Factory's boutique horror label continues to kill it.

I love The Burning. It's not a good film, mind, but it's the quintessential '80s slasher, full of hateful camp counselors played by future name actors (Holly Hunter, Jason Alexander, Fisher Stevens), all getting naked or murdered or both to a great '80s score by Yes member Rick Wakeman. It's also the first ever Miramax film ("Created and Produced by Harvey Weinstein"), before they established themselves as big-time players and purchasers of Oscars. The now-legendary splatter effects of the film comprised the showstopping chapter of Tom Savini's how-to FX journal Grand Illusions, and I must have read that chapter for two years before finally seeing the film via banged-up Thorn/EMI VHS.

After languishing out of print for years, and then as a perfunctory catalog DVD from MGM, The Burning is now in the loving hands of Scream Factory. They've been doing some bang-up collector's editions of our beloved '80s horror films - everything from the neglected-by-Universal Halloween II, Halloween III and They Live to indie gems like From Beyond and Phantasm, as well as some really niche stuff that was in danger of slipping through the cracks. Now they seem to be digging into the MGM catalog, and it's great news for my generation. Here's their cover art for The Burning which, if Scream Factory continues their tradition, should have the superior original art on the reverse side.

Do you love The Burning, or do you think, as Brian Collins does, that it's only good for its completely awesome Mondo poster? Are you a fan of Scream Factory's cover paintings, or do you flip those suckers around as soon as the shrink wrap is off like I do? Weigh in below while grooving to the smooth synth sounds of The Burning.
