Animated Version of GHOSTBUSTERS 3 Back On The Table

The film will star two scientists, a blue lady, and a hat-wearing gorilla.

The Ghostbusters 3 dream is a lesson in never giving up. If you believe in yourself and remain tenacious enough to stand firm when the world repeatedly tells you your plans are without value, then you can achieve anything, albeit in a diminished, massively unsatisfactory form.

Bloody Disgusting reports that instead of being the actual live action sequel we're all terrified might happen, Sony wants to make Ghostbusters 3 an animated film that we can easily ignore. They attempted this once before, and the project turned into the Ghostbusters video game. This time, perhaps it will turn into an iPhone app.

Even as an animated feature, the film would hypothetically still involve Ivan Reitman, Dan Aykroyd, and everyone else associated with Ghostbusters who isn't Bill Murray. Though, given that it would only cost him a day or two of voice work, maybe Murray's involvement isn't so crazy after all.

I just want them to hurry up and do something with this because I'm eager to not hear about Ghostbusters 3 anymore. Dan Aykroyd has been trying to get it going for ages now, and I just feel bad for him at this point. Look for future updates in which Ghostbusters 3 becomes a Broadway play, a series of webisodes, and finally an e-novel written in one chapter increments.
