James Cameron Living In Pandora, Prepping For AVATAR 2 & 3

The world waits with a mild disinterest.

James Cameron assures he's still working on the barely-anticipated sequels to Avatar

"I'm deep into it and I'm living in Pandora right now. There is that start up torque where you feel it's coming to you. Then you build up momentum. That's when it gets fun. The characters talk and it's writing itself. I'm almost there right now. It's building fast."

So he's almost at the point where he's going to start writing? I actually feel that - I can't sit down to write until I have a first sentence and basic structure in my head, then I vomit it all out on my keyboard. I actually like this bit:

"I was talking the other day with Peter Jackson and said, 'You had it easy dude. You had the books when you did the second and third 'Lord of the Rings.' I have to create my own books in my head and extract a script from it."

Cameron had previously said that he'd have Avatar 2 and scripted by February; the fact that he's in New Zealand right now in isolation writing indicates he is blowing well past that deadline. A positive aspect of Cameron being who he is: he can write the scripts when they are ready to be written. The production dates of Avatar 2 and will not be based on a marketing decision about the release but rather when he's ready to get into it. That's how all movies should be made, not just mega-blockbuster sequels very few people are truly excited for.
