Well, you'll have to see for yourself.

The  good news for those awaiting Joe Lynch's Knights of Badassdom is that the movie has been picked up for distribution. The bad news is that it's not Joe's cut, which means we're going to have to wait some time to see his real next film. That will be Everly, an action film iwhich he's shooting right now. Those of us who were blown away by what Joe did with Wrong Turn 2 have had to make due with short films from him since then, and now we have another to add to the list.

It's called Truth In Journalism, and it's one of the best examples of this sort of short filmmaking I've seen. Joe takes the classic Man Bites Dog and mixes it up with something a little more currently pop cultural. I won't spoil what it is, but I'll tell you that Ryan Kwanten plays Eddie B, a New York City journalist being tailed by a French documentary crew. What they discover about Eddie makes  them supremely unhappy. The reveal is great, and transcends 'fan film' in a big way. 

This is technically a follow-up to last year's Tom Jane short DIrty Laundry, but it's so much better - and so much more - than that short. It gives you a sense of what these things can be when they're done right, and with a little cleverness.

This is really cool, and hopefully it's something others notice. Hey Marvel, you have these cool One Shots you're doing - give Joe Lynch a call. 
