Announcing Our October BIRTH.MOVIES.DEATH. Issue - Space: The Final Frontier!

We're going to space, you guys!

We're excited to announce our October Birth.Movies.Death. issue: "Space: The Final Frontier!" I'll let Devin take it away:

The Captain's Log

Space. The final frontier. I feel a particular kinship with anyone who has ever looked up into the night sky and wondered what it’s like out there -- we’re the people searching for humanity’s future, which surely lies out among the stars.

But until we can actually get there we’ll keep making movies about it. This month we’re celebrating space movies, inspired by the latest science fiction opus from Alfonso Cuarón, director of CHILDREN OF MEN and HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN. GRAVITY examines the dangers and triumphs of spaceflight in almost unbearably tense white-knuckle fashion, and many of the movies we’re writing about this month find the inherent drama in humans sealing themselves in tin cans and shooting themselves into the void.

In this issue you’ll read about the little-known Russian scifi film IKARIE XB-1, which influenced STAR TREK. We talk about the better-known comedy SPACEBALLS, and pay tribute to one of the toughest spacewomen ever, Ripley. And we also examine how truly difficult and dangerous space flight is, and look into legends about cosmonauts who found out firsthand.

You can boldly go beyond the pages of BIRTH. MOVIES.DEATH. by visiting our Tumblr at There’s always more great content waiting for you here at Badass Digest as well. And if you wanted to enjoy this magazine on your futuristic, space-age personal data device you can subscribe at the iTunes store.

And remember, this isn’t just ground control to Major Tom -- it’s a two way communication. Send us your comments, questions and favorite space ship designs to [email protected]. Hailing frequencies are open.

And as always, you can pick up our newest issue of Birth.Movies.Death. at your local Alamo Drafthouse, or pore over the issue online at our Scribd link
