Badass Exclusive: See The Hard Case Crime Cover For Samuel Fuller’s Lost Novel!

The director of THE NAKED KISS and SHOCK CORRIDOR is getting the Hard Case treatment - see the cover for his lost book!

I've spoken before of my love for Hard Case Crime here on BAD. The label releases some of the most interesting mysteries and noir novels in publication today, and I love best their covers; they look incredible lined up on a shelf together, like every Jonny Gossamer book you ever wanted to read but couldn't because those books don't actually exist.

Hard Case Crime and Titan Books are getting together to release their latest, Samuel Fuller's lost 1993 novel Brainquake. Yes, the director of The Big Red One and The Naked Kiss wrote a novel in the last years of his life, and now you can read it. And we have an exclusive look at the cover, which is every ounce as cool as one might expect:

Here's the summary:

The bagmen who transport money for organized crime live by a set of rules: no personal relationships, no ties…no alcohol, no women…no talking…and never, ever look inside the bag you’re carrying.

For more than ten years, Paul Page was the perfect bagman, despite suffering from the same rare brain disorder that killed his father. But that ended the day he saw a beautiful Mob wife become a Mob widow. Now Paul is going to break every one of the rules he’s lived by to protect the woman he loves – even if it means he might be left holding the bag.

In a career that spanned half a century, Samuel Fuller wrote and directed classic movies that inspired filmmakers as varied as Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Jean-Luc Godard, Jim Jarmusch, Wim Wenders, and Quentin Tarantino. He also wrote unforgettable novels such as the noir classic THE DARK PAGE — and this book, his last, which has never previously been published in the English language.
