How The Ghostbusters Firehouse Is Celebrating Harold Ramis Today

Update: oops, looks like we got tooken.

The passing of Harold Ramis has hit a lot of us hard, and the web has been filled with fond remembrances of the man*. President Obama has even released a statement on the man's passing. It's been a helluva moment to see the impact Harold Ramis had on us all.

And now the firefighters at Hook & Ladder 8 in downtown Manhattan have gotten in on the action the best way they can: by mounting the Ghostbusters II sign outside the station. The sign has been inside the station for years, and now they've brought it back out for mourning.

That station, located at 14 North Moore Street, has been the home of a growing collection of Ramis memorials - including Twinkies! - and now this is the capper. It's kind of amazing, and if you're in New York City you owe it to yourself to get down there and take a look/pay homage. Just take the A/C/E to Canal, walk one block west and two blocks south, or take the 1/2 to Franklin Street and walk one block north. Bring mold. 

*the weirdest of which have him as a ghost being trapped by the Ghostbusters. That's some grim, grim shit. I know it's well-intentioned, but it's so profoundly dark and horrible that it actually sent chills down my spine. The Ghostbusters are denying Egon the afterlife! They're imprisoning him forever! The artist made up some half-assed explanation when everybody realized how horrific this scenario is, but it doesn't float.


UPDATE: Awww shit, I got taken. I was too trusting in the internet, and I know better. According to the FDNY the sign is NOT hanging in front of Hook & Ladder 8. Maybe this will inspire them to hang it?
