Sylvester Stallone Might Actually Have A Good Movie Coming Out This Fall

Fingers crossed REACH ME features actual acting.

Sylvester Stallone is on one of his classic cocky swings lately, which means he kind of shows up for movies but doesn't put any real artistic effort into them. This is a minor tragedy since he can be a surprisingly effective actor when he feels like he has something to prove.

Deadline reports that Millennium Entertainment has just required the US rights for a new Sylvester Stallone film called Reach Me. Described as a dramedy, the film features Stallone acting within an ensemble that includes names like Kyra Sedgwick, Kevin Connelly, Terry Crews, Thomas Jane, Danny Aiello, Tom Berenger, Kelsey Grammer, and Danny Trejo.

I guess on paper, that sounds a little like another Expendables film. But this synopsis indicates an actual movie movie:

A group of strangers lives collide as a result of a self-published motivational book by a reclusive author in hiding (Berenger). When the book’s positive message goes viral a tabloid journalist (Connolly), his editor (Stallone), an arsonist ex-con (Sedgwick), a gunfighter cop (Jane), an alcoholic priest (Aiello) and a dimwitted gangster all plow into each other and irrevocably impact each other’s lives.

I can see a couple red flags. For one, this might be a little cute. Two, Stallone's playing an editor rather than a tough guy or a lovable moron. Three, it's called Reach Me. I know it's not good to judge a book by its cover, but I get tempted when the cover says the book is called Reach Me.

Nevertheless, I have hope. Because at the end of the day, that's all we can count on in this crazy world. The film ran out of money during production and made up the rest of its budget through crowd-funding. Now it appears to be slated for a VOD release on October 24. See? Hope!

I leave you with this apparent cover art for the project done by Stallone himself. I have no idea.
