Tina Fey Is Producing HOCUS POCUS 2

In other sequel news pertaining to women of a certain age...

Nearly every woman of my generation cherishes some degree of fondness for Kenny Ortega's 1993 Disney Halloween staple Hocus Pocus, even though it's not, strictly speaking, a terribly well-written film. I am one of these women, and I generally manage to squeeze in a screening every October amid my yearly viewings of Hellraiser and Slither. The heart wants what it wants, and my heart wants to watch Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy croon and cackle and terrorize modern Salem once a year. 

That said, I took little interest in the news that Disney is producing a sequel, because I assumed it would be a straight-to-video, medium-budg project similar to the Mouse House's Halloweentown (another goofy film I enjoyed as a teenager who should have been too cool for such silliness). But yesterday it was announced that Tina Fey is producing the sequel. My interest is a teensy bit piqued. If she decides to star in the film - alongside someone like Melissa McCarthy, as the original news posited - that interest would be moderately piqued. But I think my interest level would still cap out there, unless the third star ends up being Amy Poehler or Kathleen Hanna or Michelle Obama. 

Yes. Actually, that's who I want to star in Hocus Pocus 2: Tina Fey, Kathleen Hanna and Michelle Obama. 

But it seems like this isn't going to be a three-witches formula anymore. According to The Tracking Board, the synopsis is such: 

The sequel will pick up years after the original, focusing on a housewife who is related to the Sanderson sisters, who teams up with a witch hunter to save her children after they run afoul of some resurrected witches while out trick-or-treating.

Still, I think we can fit Michelle Obama in there somewhere, right? She'd make a bitchin' witch hunter. 

Update: the Tina Fey angle is apparently not true at all. My interest level in this sequel has now dipped back down to zero. But Tina Fey IS producing this other witch movie for Disney.
