Ed Harris Gives WESTWORLD The Villain It Deserves (Probably)

This show is shaping up to be something special.

Generally, we frown upon remakes, but sometimes one looks good enough to make them feel a little less awful than normal. HBO’s upcoming Westworld series seems like it could be one of those remakes.

Entertainment Weekly reports that Ed Harris has been cast as The Man in Black, a “distillation of pure villainy into one man.” So I’m guessing he’s not the hero. Since they describe him as a man, I’m not certain he’s going to be this show’s approximation of Yul Brynner’s character from the original. But this “Man in Black” moniker indicates something slightly to the left of human.

Either way, Ed Harris seems like a good choice when it comes to characters who are supposed to scare the shit out of you. He can be thoughtful and sensitive, but he can also cut through all that and get terrifyingly serious. I honestly have my fingers crossed that he’s playing a Harris-bot, but who knows.
