Chadwick Boseman Is BLACK PANTHER

He'll first appear in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR.

Where to start with the news from today's big Marvel Event in Hollywood, where Marvel Studios announced their entire slate of movies through 2019? How about with what is the biggest, most solid news: 

Chadwick Boseman will be playing The Black Panther, and he'll be getting his own movie on November 3, 2017. But that won't be where we first see T'Challa show up; Kevin Feige confirmed that he'll be in Captain America: Civil War, where he'll be a third party coming between Captain America and Iron Man. And who knows - we may even see him in Avengers: Age of Ultron. I have previously reported to you that Wakanda is in the film, and Feige seemed to hint that Andy Serkis is in fact playing Ulysses Klaw, a hunter of the precious metal known as Vibranium, which is only found in the super-advanced African nation. According to Feige the story of Black Panther will feature the closed-off nation of Wakanda connecting with the larger world (in the aftermath of Age of Ultron) and how that impacts everything.

Boseman is an awesome choice; as anyone who has seen 42 or Get On Up knows the guy can not only act but he also has a huge well of charm from which to draw, and maybe it's just because he played Jackie Robinson but he feels totally fucking heroic to me. He's very much in the Chris Evans mold. 

Above is the concept art for Black Panther as he'll appear in Civil War, I'd guess. How much that changes... we'll see, but he's classic Black Panther!
