JOE DIRT 2 Gets A Title And Its Old Wig Back

That dude is one beautiful loser.

Despite really enjoying the first Joe Dirt, I don’t have a ton of faith in the upcoming sequel, which will be a Crackle-only affair. Come to think of it, it’ll probably be a Cracker only affair as well.

We don’t know much about the film, but today we got some tidbits via Adam Sandler’s Facebook page. Here they are in one nice photo:

So the film is officially called Joe Dirt II: Beautiful Loser. And we now know that David Spade’s hair in this film will look a lot like it did in the first one, laying to waste all those fears that he’ll be all New Wave in the sequel.

The title doesn’t really tell us anything about the plot. Joe was a beautiful loser already, so this is not pointing us in any new direction. Hopefully, the film tries something more ambitious than just a retread of the original.
