Universal Is Going To Redo THE WOLF MAN Again

This time the guy who wrote PRISONERS is giving it a go. 

When it was announced that Universal was resurrecting their classic monsters it was obvious they would give The Wolf Man another shot. After all, this time around they're setting all the movies in the present day, and the Benicio del Toro remake was set in the late 1800s. Also, nobody liked that movie. The question was when they would get the redo into production, and it seems like it could be soon. 

According to Deadline Universal has tapped Aaron Guzikowski, who wrote the very good Prisoners, to take a shot at a new The Wolf Man. WIth the studio having an undetermined Monsters movie slot in 2017, it's possible ol' Larry Talbot will be back for a full moon that year.

The Wolf Man is my favorite of the original Universal Monster movies (ie, of the non-sequels. Bride of Frankenstein is the best one and one of the top ten movies ever made), so I'll be pretty protective of this remake. I've pretty much resigned myself to yet another goddamned CGI transformation, but the question is whether Universal will have the smarts to understand he's a Wolf Man - ie, he looks like a guy, not just a wolf. Making The Wolf Man a big ol' wolf will be a huge mistake. The 2010 The Wolfman got this right - get it right again in 2017, guys. 
