Everyone Relax! JOE DIRT 2: BEAUTIFUL LOSER Finally Has A Full Trailer

Oh, shit. It’s a time travel movie.

You can’t hate me because I’m beautiful. But I will allow you to hate me for liking Joe Dirt. I don’t know what it is about the guy, but I can’t help myself.

After years of waiting, we finally have a full trailer for Crackle’s exclusive Joe Dirt sequel, and it’s much better than the first teaser we saw. For one, it has Christopher Walken. For two, it starts with a Forrest Gump parody, which is apt since the whole first film was kind of a Forrest Gump parody. And for three, we find out that the plot involves time travel.

If you don’t see any charm in the Joe Dirt character, I can’t imagine this will do much for you. But if, like me, you are open to another adventure with this crazily optimistic loser, there is hope here that it might be a good one.
