KONG: SKULL ISLAND Looks To Beef Up Its Cast Yet Again

Samuel L. Jackson is not going to put up with King Kong’s bullshit.

Kong: Skull Island suffered the loss of actors Michael Keaton and JK Simmons, but Kong: Skull Island doesn’t give a shit. Kong: Skull Island knows it can get more awesome people involved, and is currently proving that right now.

Or it’s trying to. According to Deadline, Samuel L. Jackson is currently in talks to take over the role vacated by JK Simmons. Once he finds out what they’re serving for lunches, he’ll probably be all set. John C Reilly is sitting atop a list of actors being considered for the Michael Keaton role. And Tom Wilkinson could get a role previously occupied by no one. Must be a juicy part.

Now, none of these people are signed up yet. But I can guarantee you that all, some, or none of them will be in the film. My sources are very clear on that.

Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts and written by John Gatins and Max Borenstein, Kong: Skull Island will be in theaters March 10, 2017, whether it has actors in it or not, by golly.
