Jim Jarmusch’s Next Will Be PATERSON, Starring Adam Driver

A perfect pairing of two dudes with the same voice.

Jim Jarmusch has a new movie on the horizon. It’s called Paterson, and it stars Adam Driver, soon to be very famous thanks to The Force Awakens, as a bus driver, poet type guy. Driver actually finished shooting the film before being whisked off to Star Wars press duties.

This is all news to me, but that’s because I’m an idiot. It seems like most of the above information was already available. Jarmusch has been talking about the movie for a while, alluding (somewhat) that it may end up on the funnier side of his normal output. Furthermore, someone posted photos of Driver and Jarmusch working together weeks ago (that’s a really shitty article I’m linking to, by the way).

So just to have all the info in one place, Jim Jarmusch, Adam Driver, Paterson. You know you want to see it.

This comes from the Star Wars issue of Empire, by the way, which isn’t out yet. This means you cannot verify whether or not I’m making any of this up! I should have taken this so much further!
