Reminder: THE LEGEND OF TARZAN Is A Movie That Is Coming Out This Summer

It's even got Samuel L. Jackson in it, as proven by the photo in this post.

As you know, this summer will see the release of (::checks math::) seventeen thousand new movies, so it's understandable if you've forgotten about a few of them. Of course we're all counting down the minutes until Captain America: Civil War, The Nice Guys and Now You See Me 2: Secret Of The Ooze arrive, but when's the last time you spent even a millisecond considering David Yates' Legend Of Tarzan? Probably back in December, when the trailer arrived, right?


Good news is, Legend Of Tarzan is still on the way (it hits July 1st), and a new still has arrived to refresh all of our memories.

That's Samuel L. Jackson on the left, Alexander Skarsgard on the right. One of these men is playing Tarzan. The film also stars Margot Robbie and Christoph Waltz, but obviously neither of them will be playing Tarzan. 

Legend Of Tarzan arrives on July 1st. You have been reminded, so this post is a success. Please feel free to use the comments below as a place to brainstorm ideas for your Legend Of Tarzan viewing parties.
