THE WITCH Playset: Because It’s Never Too Early For Your Child To Learn About Black Phillip

Regurgitated apples not included.

The folks over at Millionaire Playboy have done something fantastic: they've turned Robert Eggers' The Witch (which still has my vote as the horror film to beat in 2016) into a Playmobil-style playset. Y'know, for kids! 

They've even put together a little commercial for it. Check it out:

If you head over to Millionaire Playboy, the gentleman who created this set ("Mr. Stinkhead") provides some insight into how the set came together and the many elements he ported in from Eggers' film ("(The twins) come with a stick to torment Black Philip"). There's also a ton of photos to gawk at, but here's a few of our favorite shots to get you started:

Unfortunately, this set isn't a for-real thing you can go out and purchase in a store, but the photos above should provide a reasonable blueprint should you be interested in creating a Witch playset  of your own (if somebody wants to make me one and send it to me for Christmas, I won't be opposed).

By the way, The Witch hits DVD and Blu-ray on May 17th. If you haven't already pre-ordered, I'd strongly advise you to do so now.
