Mel Gibson and Randall Wallace are getting back on the Jesus train.

In case you hadn't heard, it was announced yesterday (via exclusive at the Hollywood Reporter) that Mel Gibson and screenwriter Randall Wallace have been working on a sequel to The Passion Of The Christ. Apparently, the film will deal with the resurrection of Jesus, something we were only given a glimpse of at the end of the first film. 

According to Wallace, the entire project was "becoming too difficult to keep under wraps", a problem that will definitely be solved by announcing The Passion Of The Christ 2 in a Hollywood Reporter exclusive.

Wallace goes on to say that the project came about, in part, thanks to demand from within the Christian community (one assumes that depraved gorehounds are also keen on return trip to Mel Gibson's Jerusalem, but to be fair I'm sure they're the minority). He says:

"The evangelical community considers The Passion the biggest movie ever out of Hollywood, and they kept telling us that they think a sequel will be even bigger." 

"Even bigger"? A-ha, you're thinking, I knew this was a cash grab! Not so fast, says Wallace:

No studio or financial backing has been lined up for the project, which is still in the early script stage. But Wallace indicates there are several financiers interested in investing. "It's too early to talk money," he adds. "This is such a huge and sacred subject."

Right now, the film is still in its scripting stage (Mel Gibson, by the way, has yet to confirm his involvement), but I have no trouble believing any of the above. Considering the return on investment for the first film, I don't think this Huge And Sacred Subject will have any trouble finding funding once it decides to get rolling. 

What do you guys think? Interested in a Passion Of The Christ 2, or not so much?
