Forest Whitaker Is Playing A Cartoon Character In ROGUE ONE

He leaps from the CLONE WARS show.

I'll be honest - I never thought Lucasfilm would do this. I thought that we would see live action Star Wars characters come to the various cartoons set in the Star Wars universe, but I never thought animated characters would make the leap to live action. And yet here we are, with Forest Whitaker being announced to play Saw Gerrera, a character who appeared on the Clone Wars cartoon. 

Gerrara was a minor character, appearing in a handful of episodes, and he was a rebel leader against the king of Onderon, who had sided with the droid army during the Clone Wars. Gerrara and his sister fought alongside Anakin Skywalker and the rest of those dudes, but the sister was killed in action. Apparently some of the tactics that the Onderian rebellion used were a bit extreme, and by the time Rogue One opens Gerrara is seen as something of a radical and possibly a terrorist, which makes the other members of the Death Star plan heist team trust him less. 

Whitaker sort of looks like Gerrera; what's weird is that they changed the character's facial scar for live action. His eyes are the wrong color as well. I'm kind of curious if he was always named Saw Gerrara or if this is some reshoot shizz added in at the last minute, because why not just give the dude contact lenses? Or do the scar correctly? Making him Gerrera feels like a bone being thrown to the hardcore, and I can't imagine it'll have much of an impact on the film itself. 

For more about Saw Gerrera, Rogue One version, head to EW
